单位:12 件腰带+24 根旗帜/ 套
规格:长度40cm 宽度5cm
醒目的腰旗可清楚的标明队伍!一套包括12 个带D 环扣的尼龙带。每个腰带配合两个旗(共24 个旗)。每个腰旗顶端有链接扣(塑料搭扣)。腰旗扯、拉方便,黏上去便捷。与不同颜色的腰旗可以进行扯腰旗比赛,即相互扯对方队员腰上的腰旗,室内外均可进行游戏比赛。
Snag-A-Flag. Snap Flag Football Belt Sets (set of 12)
Say goodbye to worn-out Velcro. connections with our patentpending
clip-together flag football belts! The flags attach to the
belts with a plastic connector that allows them to be pulled off and
reconnected quickly and easily. Each set includes twelve 48"L belts
with D-loop connectors and 2 flags with plastic connectors per belt (24
total flags). Please specify red, yellow, blue or green when ordering.