

计量单位 :
商品编码: HB133816
品牌零件编号: 4W00554
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规格:1 个圆盘(直径18× 高3cm)、3 根细绳( 长
约1.5m) 材质:木质、尼龙
圆盘上有10 个彩色小木桩,每个木桩之间的间距相同,彩色木桩对应0-9 的数字;孩子很容易在圆盘上编织几何图形,锻炼孩子的手指精细动作、手眼协调能力、集中注意力和创造性思维。

The colorful robust weaving circle is a fun way to teach children learning content and to support fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and concentration. 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 … Each number sequence in the tables from 1 to 10 becomes a clear, symmetrical pattern where children can check by themselves if it is correct. Great shapes and figures can be woven, even without numerical skills. Whilst doing so, children intuitively acquire first knowledge of figures.

Contents:1 weaving circle, 3 weaving strings. 

Contents: 1 weaving circle, 3 strings. Material: birch, solid wood. Dimensions: Ø 18 cm, H 3 cm, strings (red, yellow, blue) approx. 15 cm.