连接式滑板车(6 只/ 套)
尺寸: 30cm*40cm
大号连接式滑板车(6 只/ 套)
采用耐用高强度聚乙烯材料制成,坚固耐用。配有耐磨的可360 度旋转的轮子,可以配合孩子各种动作。两边的抓手可以保护手指和手在玩滑板车时不被夹伤。颜色鲜艳。建议最大载重量为90 公斤。适合在光滑的场地上使用。
建议3 岁以下儿童在父母看护下使用。
12" Spectrum™ Scooters (set of 6)
12" Spectrum™ scooters are the BEST!Durable high-impact polyethylene.
Non-marring casters.Hand protectors shield fingers and hands.6 bright
Spectrum™ colors per set.Maximum recommended weight: 200 pounds.
Standard size scooters have a 11-3/8" x 11-3/8" base and a maximum
width of 16-1/2" measured across the outside of the handles. Wheels are 2"
diameter and the bottom of the scooter sits approx. 2-1/2" off the ground.